Thursday, July 10, 2008

Why I started this blog.

When my daughter, Saya, was born a little less than five months ago, I told myself that I would keep a journal detailing all the milestones she goes through. How optimistic I was at that time because ever since Saya has been born, I have found very little time to do anything at all. It's the hardest blow that a new parent can get. It doesn't quite hit you yet until you realize how sleep deprived or exhausted you are from tending to the baby 24 hours a day. But slowly, you learn to make time. You readjust your priorities (including your work, your meals, and sadly, sometimes your hygiene) and pretty soon, you have assimilated the baby into your life. Who am I talking to anyways? I'm just darn glad I actually make time to talk about her now (even though I haven't yet.

I brought Saya to the Taste of Chicago two weeks ago. She refuses to take the bottle and I refuse to be cooped up in my apartment, so I bring her everywhere with me. Man, when they tell you that breastfeeding increases bonding between mother and baby, they weren't kidding! Sure, a mother can bond with her baby in many ways: reading to the baby, singing to the baby, bathing and diapering the baby, rocking the baby. But when you breastfeed your baby, it's more obligatory BINDING (especially when your baby refuses the bottle, and most babies do!). I can't spend more than three hours away from Saya. When I'm away, she will cry and fuss before she takes the bottle. And when she takes the bottle, she will drink only enough to stave off hunger until I come home to feed her.

I know it sounds daunting. (I have a knack for making things sound terrible for myself). But really, breastfeeding is one of the best parenting decisions I've made so far. Aside from the copious health benefits that breastfeeding provides for Saya and me, it's helped me understand the significance of mothering, which I thought I understood when I was pregnant. I love my daughter to death. I miss her when I'm away from her. I even miss her when I get an scarce 3-4 hours to myself during her naps. I bring her everywhere with me. With that, she learns what my world is like as well.

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