So now I've resorted to phone blogging to save those itty bitty precious free time for my baby. The funny thing is she's pretty old now. Saya can speak complete sentences, asks you questions and even argue with you with some common sense. We have a tendency to say that she talks too much, but we all really adore her eloquence, despite it driving us crazy sometimes.
Yesterday morning saya asked hak,; daddy can I ask you a question? How do you "mem" yourself?" In Khmer, "mem" means to nurse. Yes, Saya still nurses. She just can't give it up and I don't think I can either. It is really a wonderful bonding experience. There's nothing quite like caressing your child while she lays snugly in your arms. I feel so calm and content when I'm bfing. I know its the hormones, so it's not just me being crazy. I never thought that I would bf for this long.ther are some moments when I wished saya would give it up already. However when she's loud n energetic n suddenly wants to nurse, its like a sigh of relief for me because I would experience a moment of peace and quiet to myself.
I know that she will get over it and I try to encourage her. But for now, il cherish every bit of it.
But yea there goes my diversion from the topic again. Going back to saya being so talkative, she's quite a character now.just like her daddy, she just doesn't stop talking! Some of her favorite lines are "talk to me" and "what did your say?" She's adding more adjectives and prepositions to her sentences.
Saya is extremely possessive of her parents. Chhay, haks 23 year old nephew, is staying with us for the time. Whenever hak or i around, she always give him a dirty stare n tell him that "that's my mommy."
I have no idea how well sayas speaking skills compare to her peers. We try to correct her english when she's wrong so that school l won't be so hard when she gets older. Is such a shame that they took her off the roster for another child at the local public school. I hope too get her started soon. She's intellectually ready, but I'm not sure if she's emotionally ready. I wish that id get more time to spend with her, but I have to focus on my career. Do this is what being an adult feels like. >.<
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